The film about Vahák (28min.)

The film about Vahák (28min.)

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The film about Vahák: We get to follow the process around the performing arts work Vahák – about colonialism, heterosexuality and our dreams of something better. With a healing dramaturgy, the work is staged with a parallel space. A room that reminds that there can be something better, that a queer reality is possible.

Year 2016
Duration 28 min
Language Swedish, Sami
Texted to engelska
Photo/Editing Oskar Östergren Njajta

Bahareh Razekh Ahmadi/Alejandra Goic/Sara Gallardo, Mimie Märak och Stefan Andersson och Tobias Poggats

Ögonblicksteatern & Bautafilm

You can watch the filme on Youtube her.